Man taking photos on the Golden Gate Bridge

Don't Miss These 29
Free Things to Do in San Francisco

一些城市最具标志性的景点和体验可以不用打开钱包. Here are some of our favorites.

World-class culture, 自然美景和加州风情——为什么不喜欢贝博体彩app呢? 即使你预算有限,这里也有很多事情可以做. 以下是我们最喜欢的一些免费景点,包括这座城市最具标志性的体验.

San Francisco

世界公认的贝博体彩app的代名词, 这些景点是完全免费参观的,应该是任何游客行程的首选.

The Golden Gate Bridge

当你走过这座巨大的地标性建筑时,你才算真正去过贝博体彩app. 幸运的是,这座城市最大的标志性建筑一直对行人免费开放. 可以欣赏到城市的壮丽景色,还有 Alcatraz and Angel Island, the Golden Gate Bridge should top your list.

San Francisco Cable Car Museum

While the historic cable cars 贝博体彩app的博物馆现在不营业,可以免费参观 Cable Car Museum at the corner of Mason and Washington Streets. 你不仅可以了解缆车的历史, 但你也可以看到整个系统是如何运行的. This facility isn't just a museum; it's a crucial and operational part of the city's transit system.


Exploring San Francisco's famous Chinatown is best done on foot. 这个历史悠久的社区总是很繁忙,充满了隐藏的宝石,欢迎好奇的旅行者. 如果你在逛了很多商店之后仍然精力充沛的话 restaurants, continue on to North Beach 体验贝博体彩app的意大利裔美国人传统.

LGBTQIA+ History

The Castro 是同性恋权利运动的重要历史地点吗. 参观一些重要的景点,比如粉红三角公园和彩虹荣誉步道,看看纪念重要的lgbt活动家的牌匾. 每个月的第一个星期三都是免费的 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender History Museum (4127 18th St.). 世界上最早致力于这一主题的博物馆之一, 该机构提供了一个了解过去一个世纪的地方事件,这些事件塑造了这个全球社区, and this neighborhood in particular.

City Guides Walking Tours

No matter your interest, City Guides has a tour for you. 他们所有的项目都是由当地志愿者领导的,而且都是免费的! Despite San Francisco's hilly terrain, it's a very walkable city, 这使得《贝博体彩》成为你定位的绝佳选择, learning a little, and discovering some local favorites.

Fleet Week

想要更刺激的东西,可以在每年的海湾之城(City by the Bay)参观 Fleet Week in October. 整个周末,蓝天使队都在贝博体彩app上空进行高强度的飞行. 你几乎可以在这个城市的任何地方看到它们, 但前往海滨欣赏真正令人惊叹的景色.


While some of the attractions 包含在可能收费,探索PIER 39本身是完全免费的. 有演员,电影放映,当然还有可爱的人 sea lions.

Ghirardelli Square

这座美丽的砖砌建筑位于水边,曾经是著名的Ghirardelli巧克力的产地. 虽然生产已经搬到了东湾,但仍然有很多甜食可供享用 Ghirardelli Square这里有许多商店和餐馆. 不过,仅仅享受美景和出色的季节性装饰不会让你退缩.

San Francisco City Hall

Did you know that the dome that caps San Francisco City Hall is bigger than the one atop the U.S. Capitol? 免费参观,每周五上午11点开始.m. and 1 p.m. Bringing a big group? You'll need a reservation. City Hall is a popular spot to get married. On a tour or not, you'll see love in action!

San Francisco

虽然我们的图标令人瞠目结舌,但贝博体彩app的户外空间也同样如此. Not only do you have nature at your doorstep, 但在下面提到的任何一个地方,你也会看到令人惊叹的景色. Prepared to be blown away

The Presidio

Urban hiking? Yes, please! A 1,500-acre national park, the Presidio is a true gem within city limits. The former military base offers hiking trails, historic buildings, and multiple picnic locations with epic views. The newest one, the Presidio Tunnel Tops, opened and has become an instant classic! 要塞有多个入口,还有一个 free shuttle to get you there. 

Land's End and the Sutro Baths

兰兹角就像它的名字一样:贝博体彩app最西端的公共公园, 悬崖坠入漩涡中的太平洋. You'll find beautiful trees, spectacular views, 当你沿着小路行走时,还有一个石头迷宫(请, stick to the paths!). 如果你想感受印第安纳琼斯,一定要去参观苏特罗浴场. 曾经是一个巨大的室内游泳设施,由企业家和前市长阿道夫·苏特罗于19世纪90年代建造, 今天只剩下了曾经是这座城市主要景点的地基.

Alamo Square Park

阿拉莫广场公园是贝博体彩app最值得注意的景观之一,在那里你会发现 Painted Ladies这是一排古典美丽的维多利亚式住宅. On clear days, 远处的城市天际线创造了一个让游客和当地人都震惊的背景. Don't forget to pack a blanket; Alamo Square Park is an excellent spot for a picnic.

Dolores Park

它远不是贝博体彩app最大的绿地,但是位于贝博体彩app的多洛雷斯公园 Mission 肯定是最受当地人欢迎的吗. With killer views of the downtown skyline, new amenities, and recreational areas, and unobstructed sunlight, 多洛雷斯是贝博体彩app人去的地方,而不是海滩. 如果你想同时与大自然和你的同胞交流, Dolores Park is the place to go.

Twin Peaks

In the geographic center of the city, 你会找到一个可以观赏贝博体彩app的最高点. The path to the top of Twin Peaks 可以是陡峭和蜿蜒,但景色是一个了不起的奖励. Just be sure to bring an extra layer; the wind at the summit can be fairly strong.

Mount Davidson

Though perhaps not as famous as Twin Peaks, Mount Davidson is, in fact, taller (but just by a smidge). The benefit of Mount Davidson, though, 是不是这两个站点中访问量更少的那个, 这意味着你在戴维森山坡上的公园里度过的时光更像是逃离下面的城市丛林.

Golden Gate Park

Independent of its incredible attractions在美国,金门公园仍然是一个世界级的城市绿地. Wide lawns, hidden groves连绵起伏的丘陵使它成为一个轻松而难忘的探索之地. Entrance to the park is free, 公园里高耸的风车也是免费的, resident bison herd, or flowing waterfall (yes, a waterfall).

Fort Point

位于金门大桥南端的地下, 波因特堡是美国西海岸最古老的军事基地之一. Now decommissioned, Fort Point是一个免费的博物馆,它不仅能让你了解贝博体彩app的军事历史,还能让你从令人敬畏的角度欣赏这座巨大的桥梁.

Fog Bridge

Want to see some art while you're outside? 以雾桥#72494为例,这是一个为 Exploratorium by Fujiko Nakaya. 雾桥在15号码头和17号码头之间绵延150英尺,笼罩在水雾中,水雾是由许多喷嘴以非常高的压力泵送而产生的. 行人可以在雾中穿行,凉快一下, 他们可以体验探索博物馆提供的酷炫而古怪的展品. 雾桥现在由来自海湾的淡化水供电, 这意味着它对环境的影响最小.

Salesforce Park

Sitting as the crown of the Salesforce Transit Center, Salesforce Park 是繁华的南市场社区中心的一片绿洲吗. Guests can enjoy this 5.4英亩的城市公园,有绿色的斑点,可以放松身心, a children's playground, and a jogging track all four stories high. Throughout the structure, you'll find public artwork, 从美丽的瓷砖地板到照明的现代艺术和传感器激活的喷泉. 

San Francisco

The arts & 贝博体彩app的文化景观是如此多样,每个人都有适合自己的东西. Museums? We have them in spades. Murals? There on every corner. Events? There's one every week just about.

Free Museum Days

贝博体彩app的大多数博物馆每月至少免费向游客开放一次. 免费日通常是每个月的第一个星期二、星期三或星期四. 虽然这些天可能会很拥挤,但它们仍然很划算. Participating museums include the Asian Art Museum, the California Academy of Sciences, the de Young Museum and the Legion of Honor, and many more. 有关贝博体彩app必看博物馆的更多信息,请点击 here.

Mission Murals

公共艺术在贝博体彩app随处可见,但在Mission区最为丰富. Colorful murals in a variety of styles, 多年来由许多不同的艺术家创作, each with their own unique viewpoint, can be found all over the neighborhood. 最受欢迎的是Clarion巷和Balmy巷, 在那里,艺术不间断地从一座建筑流向另一座.

Explore our guide to the Mission Murals!

The Wave Organ

这个永久的艺术装置位于贝博体彩app的水边 Marina uses the shifting tides to create music. 当海湾的海水拍打着波浪风琴的PVC管道时,它就会发出声音. 这是一种完全自然的水生交响乐,保证听起来永远不一样,而且可以免费欣赏.

Readings at City Lights

Any literature lover should visit City Lights位于北滩的传奇书店(哥伦布大道261号).). 这家历史悠久的商店曾经是垮掉的一代传奇作家如艾伦·金斯堡和杰克·凯鲁亚克常去的地方. Today, 你可以去“城市之光”收听著名作家和崭露头角的作家的定期朗读, poets, performance artists, and more.

Palace of Fine Arts

1915年传奇的巴拿马-太平洋国际博览会仅存的建筑 Palace of Fine Arts 一个露天的古典建筑是否部分被人工湖包围. 简而言之,它是整个城市最美丽、最宁静的地方之一. 参观场地或观看婚礼队伍排队等待拍摄完美照片是免费的.

Stern Grove Festival

从6月中旬到8月中旬,你可以参加一系列的免费活动 Sunday concerts at Sigmund Stern Grove. This popular performance series in the Sunset 具有广泛的流派,从古典音乐到摇滚.

Lindy in the Park

Do you like to dance? Then head to Golden Gate Park on Sundays for Lindy in the Park. 下午12点开始,你可以免费上半小时的摇摆舞课.m. 你不需要伙伴,只需要有学习的意愿!

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass

A San Francisco original, the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival 特色从乡村到朋克摇滚的各种现场表演(因此得名). 过去的表演者包括从当地的无名小卒到像兰迪·纽曼这样的超级巨星, Cheap Trick, and Emmylou Harris. 整个周末的音乐都是免费的,金门公园充满了自爱之夏以来从未感受到的那种氛围.

Grace Cathedral

Atop Nob Hill sits Grace Cathedral, a massive Gothic structure with labyrinths, gardens, 并定期安排精彩的免费音乐表演. 免费入场,即使你想做的只是惊叹于它令人难以置信的建筑.


矗立在金门公园北侧树木之上的是 de Young's Harmon Observation Tower. It's free for all, whether or not you've visited the museum (but you really should; it's great). An artistic piece in its own right, the Tower was a bit controversial when it was built; but once naysayers stepped inside and took in the 360-degree views of the city from the top, they quickly changed their tune.

这是一个在贝博体彩app可以免费做的事情的清单, 还有很多其他的方式来游览贝博体彩app,而不需要倾家荡产.

How to Visit San Francisco on a Budget
