Artworks and murals in San Francisco's 景区 neighborhood.


圣弗朗西斯科’的 景区 may be the city’s best kept secret. 让在这个社区掀起波澜的艺术家和企业家欢迎你来到这个社区.

圣弗朗西斯科’的 图标 美妙而永恒,但它们只是我们城市与众不同的一小部分. Savvy travelers know this; that’s why they spend less time on more traditional 旅游 and more time on self-guided explorations of our 社区. Yet even the most experienced, 经常来贝博体彩app的游客可能没有意识到,他们错过了这座城市最具创新性和吸引力的社区之一.

景区改变就在空气中. There’s an excitement about what’s new, 除了渴望分享居民们长期以来所知道和珍惜的东西:深厚的社区根源,使这个社区成为一个充满活力的社区 城市的中心.



Martin Luther, a resident from the 景区.


圣弗朗西斯科’的 景区 has its own unique history. As a corner of the city where waterfront access was easy and available, it became a center for shipbuilding in the early 20th century. 在大迁徙期间,这些工作吸引了成千上万的美国黑人.

随着第二次世界大战的爆发,工作岗位和求职者继续成倍增加. 没过多久, 湾景已经发展成为贝博体彩app黑人文化和社区的中心之一. 《 post-war era, that community blazed a bold path to the future.

“This community has had a history of activation,” says 马丁·路德·麦考伊, a musician, artist, and 景区 native. He speaks with admiration of the local leaders and activists who, 在几十年, 引起了全国对他们社区和其他类似社区面临的问题的关注:划红线, 比如说insecurity, 和环境安全, 给几个名字.

“It’s a rebellious spirit that thrives here.”

Musician 马丁·路德·麦考伊


马丁渴望看到这种精神在整个湾景发挥作用,为了湾景的利益. “We have to start thinking outside the box,“他说, “As to how we can generate resources and be a power center, 反对只是一个典当.”

Power can be found in many places. For Dontaye Ball, chef and owner of 粘土的社会, he found it in his kitchen.

In 2020, 在疫情最严重的时候,在乔治·弗洛伊德去世后的愤怒中, Dontaye was among those looking to make an impact is his own way. “There was a lot of turmoil in the country,“他记得, “And I had a thesis that gumbo could bring humans together. 我认为我是对的.”

Chef and owner of 粘土的社会, Dontaye Ball

最初的一系列户外快闪店已经取得了巨大的成功. 现在,你可以在渡轮大厦宏伟的农贸市场找到社交秋葵, massive festivals and events like Outside Lands, and their 景区 brick-and-mortar location on Third Street.

粘土的社会’s menu includes hearty variations of its titular dish, 还有po ' boys和美味的配菜——所有这些都带有贝博体彩app特色. “We don’t really fit in the soul food box,” says Dontaye. “We don’t fit into the Creole Cajun box.”

“We really have our own kind of unique thing.”

就在粘土的社会街的那头,在一个繁忙的十字路口 市政公交线路 汇聚在一起,你会发现一个狭窄、不起眼的门面,远离熙熙攘攘的街道. You might think it’s a movie theater or a small playhouse; but, in fact, it’s 老斯库尔咖啡这是一家爵士乐晚餐俱乐部,是湾景镇居民特蕾莎·戈因斯的创意.

Old Skool isn’t your regular lounge. Once you look past the wonderful Art Deco decor, 你会注意到管理老学校的人都是刚从大学毕业的年轻人. That, Teresa says, was by design.

“I was a corrections officer right out of college,” she recalls. “我和一些年轻人一起工作,他们大多因为帮派暴力而被监禁. 我问他们:“你们要怎样才能打破这个循环??我听到的是“一种社区意识”,还有“一种目标感”.” That is really what propelled me to start 老斯库尔咖啡.”

Teresa Goines, founder of 老斯库尔咖啡

Under the mentorship and guidance of restaurant professionals, Old Skool的年轻员工执行业务的各个方面:为客人服务, bussing表, 烹饪食物, and providing live entertainment. 员工会获得经验,这让他们对潜在的职业有了了解和帮助. The guests gain something more. “(这是)一个将人们聚集在一起的空间,以不同的眼光看待我们的年轻人,“特蕾莎说, “[了解]他们, 爱上他们.”

“It’s showing what’s possible when we give young people an opportunity.”


第一批抓住这个机会的人之一是湾景的本地人蒂芙尼·富勒(Tiffany Fuller). “I needed a sense of community,” Tiff says. “At the time, I didn’t know it was what I needed. But when you get what you need, it’s just like, “My God, I feel good. I’m). I’m舒适.”

Tiff is proud of the fact that she’s “the first graduate” of Old Skool, 也是第一个完成大学学业并获得硕士学位的人. 她仍然与咖啡馆保持着密切的联系,并乐于看到后代的成功. “现在他们去上大学,现在他们开始创业,现在他们用自己的生活做一些影响社区的事情.”

Teresa Goines and Tiffany Fuller catch up at 老斯库尔咖啡

Young and old alike find their dreams supported in the 景区. “社区是我最终得到这个机会的原因,”Dontaye说. “人们真的很支持我在湾景扎根.” Now, Dontaye is eager to pay it forward.



景区 has weathered booms, busts, 以及为它的未来而战——所有这些都把它塑造成了今天的样子.

“It’s not the “big city” vibe at all,” says Martin. “It’s more like a small, blue-collar town.”

“When you come as a visitor to the 景区, “特蕾莎说, “you get welcomed into this large family and feel a sense of…home.”

Businesses old and new line Third Street. 老斯库尔咖啡, which is younger than its teenage staff, is just half a block from the 136-year-old 景区 Opera House. 废弃的造船厂建筑被改造成艺术家工作室和画廊,吸引了数百名游客. 这个社区在维持现有制度的同时创造新的制度所付出的精力和努力令人鼓舞. “There’s a lot of really great things working out here,” says Dontaye.


“Come and check it out, get lost, and see what you find.”

Skateboarder in the 景区 neighborhood.

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泰勒是先生. 全球内容经理 & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, 在巨人队欢呼.